High Chair Adventure's - Part 2

Okay so remember a while back I made a cover for Kylun's high chair? Reversible. One side with polka dots and the other with a fun animal print (as in different animal shapes printed, not actual animal print). Well I finally finished the matching bibs and napkin.

Took me long enough, but it's completed. I mentioned in my previous post that I would share when completed. Well, here they are completed. I had planned to wrap a little storage box in one of the prints to store his food items (bibs, utensils, etc..) under his chair but ran out of fabric as I decided to make extra bibs out of the extra fabric to sell. Tutorial to come.

I am pretty happy with them. I made 2 types of bibs. One has an organic batting in to make it more sturdy and the other is just doubled up. Would make a good travel bib, or light bib for those hot summer days.

 My little napkin.

 Matching doubled bib.
 Bib with batting and trim.

My set of bibs and napkin. Ready to match both sides of the high chair. :)

Thanks for reading.


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