High-chair Adventures

Okay, so a while back my husband and I were looking for a high chair and realized the ridiculousness of how much they cost, and unfortunately how ugly a lot of them were. Yes you can get cheap ones, however I wanted to find something that matched our lifestyle, and personal style a bit better. If it's going to be around in my house for a while may as well make it look like it belongs rather than barged right in and took over.

We found that many in store were either too big, too bulky, unattractive, or cost WAY too much if it was something we were wanting. So I set out on craigslist to see if we could find something decent and something we  actually liked for a fraction of the cost.

Well it took me all of about 2 days to find one. This chair is sold in stores but varies between $160-$180. Obviously not within our budget or would we want to spend that much on a high chair. The chair was $60. yay! I was so excited. We went right away and picked it up. The chair was advertised as having no cover, but the seller just didnt want to mention it with a cover, when the cover was in not so great condition (finally someone decent on craigslist).

We brought it home, and I went to work on it. It's a wooden mahogany chair, but it had some light dents and was lightly scruffed up. I used filler crayons, and wood varnish to fix the imperfections and ta-da the mahogany looked like new.

Then I carefully took apart the old chair cover piece by piece and re made one to fit the chair. I also made the cover reversible so as to have 2 sides to use.

I have planned to make 2 matching bibs and cover a box (which slides right under the chair perfectly) to store bibs, and any other feeding 'tools'.

Here's some pictures of before and after of the chair.

                                                     Polka-Dot print. The completed cover.

                                         The back of the original cover before I took it all apart.
                                                 The front of the cover before taking it apart.

There you go...part two will come once I've made the bibs and finished all the other components.



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