A Walk In The Park

So yesterday it was a beautiful day here, and I planned on going for a walk around Deer Lake with a friend. So, I ventured off with baby, and stroller to meet my friend. I also meant to take my film camera and snap some pictures. I have been looking for a good day for this and I love taking pictures, so this would've been a great opportunity.

Alas, I forgot the camera but I had thrown in my point and shoot in my bag (which I try and take with me everywhere just in case a moment arises that requires proof, capturing, or a memory).

I did get some shots that weren't all bad. I struggled being able to see what I was taking many times because the sun was reflecting off the camera (you know where you can see what you're actually taking a picture of). But still at least I have some pictures.

Here's some of them...

Little Turtle family. Just hanging out.
No Turtles, just a fallen tree into the lake.

Can you tell I liked these with the fence?

My future house. I love this house. It's beautiful, and romantic, and even though you could see it needed some work (which I think makes it even more beautiful) I would move in in a heartbeat. Now the only problem is how do I get my hands on enough money?

The path to get to my future house (& the lake).
Kylun, just hanging out in the stroller. He did so well, and loved the walk.

Well, until next time...


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