The Update...

It's been almost 3 months since my last post. I feel like I have been starting all my posts with the same thing. 'It's been a while since the last one....' but that's the truth of my life right now. Everything seems to be changing continually, and I just don't get to blogging as frequently.

I am now 30 weeks pregnant, Kylun is almost 20 months old and so that means baby is due to arrive VERY soon. The store has been an adventure for sure since taking over. I have learned a lot about myself, being an entrepreneur in terms of an adventure this big, balancing mommy hood + pregnancy + wife + me +++...which all equals chaos, fun, excitement, exhaustion, challenge, moments of fear, moments of complete calmness, and all in all pushing myself to the limits which is what I like to do. I know when I don't push myself I don't achieve as much (obviously), I also know I then will tend to feel unfulfilled on a personal level. I cannot just sit back and not feel involved on some level.

So the things I've been learning lately...

Through the store - investing in people's lives, ministry, and career all CAN fall into one category. I have had some of the most amazing conversations with women, families, husbands, and grandparents through the past 3 months. I have heard stories of devastation, pain, hurt, excitement, adventure, and been able to be a part of it in a very neat way.

I have been challenged in conversation and acts to step up to the challenge of being a Christian woman in a business environment. What does that look like? Where are the boundaries between working towards being a sustainable business owner, and yet use the store as an opportunity to be a part of community and invest into people's lives in tangible and relational ways. Still a lot to learn, hey I'm new at this particular balancing act, but something I am sure I will continue to learn over the course of the next few years.

Through Mommyhood - I have a limit. I have a limit of patience and what that looks like right now through the midst of hormones and the daily grind is different everyday. I am learning more and more that being a mom is not a cookie cutter scenario. I felt I had a strong grasp on this before, but now I know it that much more. I am not every other mom, I do not need to conform to what works for other moms or what the books are saying because frankly they don't know me or my kid or my life well enough to make me feel guilty that I do not fit into the mould. I do things my own way in terms to what works for my family.

I've also learned that despite wanting to keep up a home, store, and family in good 'condition', family ALWAYS takes priority and that means even over dirty laundry, tidy home, and an extra hour of merchandising at the store. I would rather have a macaroni and cheese dinner in a messy home investing with my family than try to attain a perfect home, and immaculate store merchandising techniques. What I'll leave behind is in the relationships I invest in not how quick I was to turn on the washing machine (which is currently about 5 loads behind.).

Through Pregnancy - I never realized how much I went through with Kylun being pregnant as well as how strong we are as women and don't even realize it. One of the biggest things that has hit me this pregnancy. By this point I was about almost double the size with Kylun and yet I pushed myself. I worked A LOT, also doing things at work that I maybe didn't have to do or maybe should've taken a step back from, Pete and I were involved in youth, Bible Study, and were constantly in and out of the house. We didn't stay still much at all. I made it through Kylun's pregnancy and thought that everything that was happening to my body and how I felt was so normal. Not at all.

I had polyhydramnios, was very monitored at the end of the pregnancy, was basically 1 day shy of being 2 weeks overdue, and not until recently did I really realize that Kylun was considered a high risk pregnancy. My labor ended up being on and off having gone into labor 4 times prior to actually staying in labor (which also decided to stop mid way), and ended up with an emergency C-Section after pushing for 4 hours. Craziness it felt like anyway. All of it showed me I was much stronger than I thought, and through various conversations with my midwife I realized that going through all the labor just with laughing gas after having my labor re started with oxytocin, was apparently a rarity as your contractions tend to be stronger and more painful. Who knew?

This pregnancy has shown me the difference. Besides a rough morning sickness start to baby my pregnancy has been pretty drama  free, with obvious pregnancy discomforts but nothing bad, and I`m considerably smaller and in a better physical place than with Kylun - a blessing in disguise considering the amount of running I do after that child. He does NOT stop. I could not have done that if I was in the same place I was with Kylun.

Now I just have to stop and realize I`m almost at the end and have been so blessed with such a smoother pregnancy. Now to get through labor again. ;)

Through wifely duties - What are those anyway? I've never been a very consistent 'typical' wife. I'm more of a go with the flow of the day sort of person. Adjust as you get there. I don't have 3 meals a day planned, ready to go, perfect laundry room, or tidy rooms all the time. I might meal plan, but not for specific days just to know I have a plan if I need one. hahahaa....

I have moments, don't get me wrong, I do get inspired to keep a perfect home every so often, or do it maybe when people come to visit just so I can relax while other people are in our space, but I accept that I have a toddler who converts a room from pleasant to disorderly in milli-seconds and keeping my wifely duties to that level right now is just not an option.

Pete's great too though, and he knows what he can and can't expect me to do. I don't conform very well to traditional wife style but that works for us, not just me. It's great because through it I've learned to invest more in the relationship of Pete and I and yes there are times when I just have to tidy areas and have things ready but really it's a joint effort and it keeps us working together, and honestly we do a much better job when we share the load than when one of us does it all or we split it up (and it's not just me saying it - ask Pete). Plus when you can't keep up with it all it makes you happier when you get one area completed. :)

And in General... - Trust is a good thing to learn, and hard all at the same time. I have found in all these areas trusting in God, my ability, and sometimes everyday situations turning out for the better or that they have a purpose or a plan is hard. I never was a person to struggle with trust. It has usually always come quite easily but since the store has been a part of the picture and little baby awaiting the moment of changing our home and making it more cozy I've definitely had moments with a lack of trust. Where trust has been a struggle at various points of the month. I have already seen a difference in my personal approach to those moments but still have a little ways to go.

God has challenged me with scenarios which have strengthened me and pushed me in numerous ways.

What have you been learning lately, or have you been challenged with?

Thanks for reading.



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