Baby Food Bible!!! Woohoo!!!

So I had anticipated making lots of Kylun's baby food as it would be in the long run cheaper, although a little more time consuming, but cheaper. So I wanted to try before moving but I didn't want to just make a little. I would rather make batches and freeze them so I could pull them out at my leisure. Well with the move in the end I did not make it to then making any. I planned to make some now that I had moved and well with visitors, unpacking, and everything else that comes with it I also had not quite made the time for it. I did however go out and buy the things I wanted to make in order to push myself into actually doing it. Wouldn't want to let all that food rot right?

I decided today I will start with pears as they are sitting on my counter - they've been ripening. I picked one up only to realize I did not know the first step in how I would make the delicious puréed pear. I say delicious because it will be. I have confidence in that. I fear the thought of ruining all the wonderful fruit and vegetables I bought so confident positive talk is how I'm going.

Well away to the computer I went to Google and search away all the wonderful ways I could make pears, and get myself overwhelmed. Just a little note to say that although I feared an over abundance of ideas, tips, advice, etc... I found a website that gives numerous ideas and ways of preparing all sorts of baby food which makes it not so boring (another fear of mine, to not know what to mix and how to mix things, and give up).

Let me tell you so far reading through not so overwhelming, or boring. It gives you all the nutritional values for the different types of food, when your baby can start, the different consistencies they can eat at each stage, and really empowered me to think I can actually make a pretty decent menu and variety for Kylun. He might just eat better than we are.

The website is Momtastic - Wholesome Baby Food.

I wanted to share as I know there are some mommas and mommas to be out there reading and although I haven't actually tried any of the recipes yet (I well tell you, or show you how they turned out), it seems to be a good tool and resource.

So thankful for the internet sometimes.

Happy baby food making, and if you have any tips or great recipes let me know. I would love to try some tried and proven.


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