My Easter Cupcakes

Okay so I was at my sisters talking about cupcakes about a week and a bit ago. I was mentioning how for Kylun's birthday I wanted to do a monkey theme and make matching cupcakes (I know, I know it's still a ways away - but I'm so excited already!). I had already found some cute cupcake ideas online but am still looking around for the 'epic' monkey cupcake.

She pulled out the book "Hello Cupcake" which her mother in law had given her and let me borrow it to see if there were any monkey ones in there. Well there are no monkey themed cupcakes in the book however there were 2 cute cupcake ideas I had to try out for Easter. One was some cute little chicks and the other was an easter egg in grass.

Well they didn't quite turn out like the picture. First of all they took about a total of 2 days on and off of working on them because I was also running errands and doing favors in between. I think next time it wouldn't take as long due to me knowing what to do. 

I also found that because I haven't made a lot of decorated icing 'things' I realized too late that I was using the wrong kind of icing to get the right effect (there was no indication in the directions of what kind would be best and so I did the silly thing of using store bought - gah wrong choice). My icing just melted into each other and wouldn't harden at all (I should've known). I had to keep them in the fridge or freezer until we took them to my parents, and the poor ducks were almost all melted by the time we got there. 

The chicks are 1/2 marshmallows and a tim-bit for the head. eyes were small M&M's and the beaks/feet were star burst rolled and shaped as beaks, or feet. 

The eggs for the top didn't turn out either as I used the wrong candy to make them - this was my own fault for reading too fast. I tried with chocolate so as to get a similar effect but I couldn't get the chocolate out of the mould even though I used a light bit of oil to keep them from sticking. Well I ended up with about a dozen plastic eggs with chocolate in them. In the end I used kinder surprises as they created the same effect (an egg with something in it). 

Due to the icing the eggs wouldn't work on top so I opted to just make the kinder eggs separately and just put them into cupcake liners. I think these turned out great. I liked them. 

The candies on top of the cupcakes were made with star burst candies rolled out and then cookie cut to the flower shape with some icing for centers. 

I iced all the cupcakes that were supposed to have eggs on them and then just decorated with easter jelly beans and candy flowers.

Despite the melting cupcakes the kids loved them and even with the heads rolling off, they still tasted good.

Well here they are...

 The wrapped up chocolate kinder eggs.

 The melting ducks, or chicks.
 My tower of goodies.

My salvaged cupcakes with jelly beans and flowers.

Thanks for reading!


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