Back to Etsy

About 3 years ago, was when I first came across Etsy. If you haven't heard of it it's this amazing site where you can buy handmade, or vintage items. The site is addictive and you can find the most amazing things from clothing to decor to childrens things. Basically if you can think it up and it's makable it's on etsy.

So about 2 years ago I tried selling some of my neck hugs and purses. Well that didn't go very well. Maybe because I only had like 3 items in my collection but none the less, I wasn't getting any bites, and I didn't focus much on creating much more of a shop there.

So now I have decided to return to Etsy and try this all over again. I have started making some cards, and again I'm back making neck hugs. The shop is still quite small (only with 4 items currently), but I have ideas and am planning on posting more and more styles, and colors of neck hugs and a variety of handmade cards.

Here are some pictures of the neckhugs.

Feel free to browse, give feedback, or even buy something. Find me by typing in "lizschlosser" in the search browser or click on the link.



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