Lizzie Bits Start Date & Name


Okay avid followers, I have officially picked out a name and have a start date for Lizzie Bits Baby Co.

The name I have choosen is Minikin Monkey's, meaning little or tiny monkeys (but also break the word minikin down mini-tiny kin- family or by relation) Brilliant, eh? I like it and I feel it's fun, trendy sounding and also personal to me seeing as monkey's have played a key role in our family as a nick name for the kids, including myself as a child.

I confirmed this morning the start date being September 1st. Just before the long weekend to hopefully help me out with exposure and sales.

I am so excited right now. Still nervous and wondering how this will all work out. It's exciting though. I have to pick up one of my sewing machines which went to the sewing machine doctor to be fixed. Couldn't get a proper stitch out of it as it kept skipping and had a weak feel about it. Well it was the timing and tension, all which had to be re done apparently pretty badly too. Glad it's finished though and now I can bring it home and hopefully go double the speed than with my poor little home one.

Well there are the details. I know I have been asked for pictures, so don't worry I know and will keep you posted as soon as I've got some good ones. By end of this week I should have some pictures to post.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Super exciting about your new business venture! I just added your blog to my google reader so I'll be following along! :-) You're inspiring me to get my sewing machine out again...maybe after our move this week-end.

  2. Great to hear Kristin, let me know how the sewing machine goes. Thanks for following along. I always get excited when I here people are following and some are actually reading...hahahaa...


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