Simple Thankfulness

Today is one of those days where I cannot do anything but be in awe of the blessings around me.

I had to take Chloe to get her shots yesterday. I sort of was dreading it a little, more so because of the craziness it was last time with Kylun. This silly waiting room to weight and measure baby is shared with every other parent bringing their kid for shots, and has 2 open entrances. Perfect for little curious people to want to leave and try and run around the building.

This time I was prepared. I took snacks, drinks, entertainment (in the form of videos on a phone), and bribery. Oh yeah... You know how McDonalds sells those booklets of treats for Valentines day? $1 a booklet. Well I snagged 2 for those days we go out and I need good behavior. Kylun gets to choose which treat he wants and if he behaves we go by and pick it up on the way home. It worked beautifully. :) Before the treats at McD's I'd bribe with a special treat from Starbucks. Kids drinks are $1. So cheap and works awesome. Other bribery in the past has been TimBits.

Either way it was much easier to manoeuvre through our appointment knowing at the slightest notion of temptation to run I just had to bring up the bribe. He did surprising well actually. I only had to bring up the treat once. The rest of the time he sat mostly well on a chair, every so often getting off and climbing another one to sit on.

After going through McD's Kylun requested chicken nuggets. So we went home he finished his ice cream and then ate chicken nuggets and fries. A little backwards and with lots of room for him to be over filled by ice cream but instead he ate all his food so well. We had a wonderful day of hanging out dancing. Chloe cuddling (as she had a few moments of moochiness - to be expected after her shots). it was such a great day. Not very productive but one of those days where I couldn't help but think 'how blessed I am'.

Kylun's vocabulary has expanded so much and the things he says are just so funny. Today for example he comes running into the living room from the kitchen and pronounces "Let's do this. Let's do this. Let's make chicken nuggets." He must've been inspired by yesterday.

He's also starting to realize the power and meaning of certain words which is such a wonderful and beautiful time. It's great to watch him make sense of what he's really saying. He's lately got into singing. Many times it's hard to understand what he's singing unless you know the songs he's been listening to, but it's so fun to watch him get into it and belt out tunes (which sometimes just sound like really loud yells). He gets so excited and happy, and we... well we can't help but smile and laugh with him at his excitement.

Then Chloe, she's developing such a sweet personality. she's the happiest baby ever. She really only fusses for good reasons. Which is such a blessing. It makes things so much easier knowing that I can just go down the 'Chloe' list and usually solve her crying by meeting her needs so easily.

I have sort of had a few days of awe it feels like. When I sit back and think of our lives right now I can't help but be thankful for so many simple things. here's some on the top of my list.

  • Our kids are really such great sleepers. They go to bed with little-no fuss. They sleep through the night, and even when they and if they do wake up are so easily put back to sleep. That is just gracious giving by God.
  • Pete is such a great, and loving husband and father, and gives so sacrificially for us. He works hard and always listens and tries to meet our needs as a family. Always ready to adjust himself.
  • Our kids are healthy. Kylun is super energetic and lively, and Chloe has had no issues. She's gaining weight well, and so happy. Kylun absorbs everything around him and is becoming such a fun kid.
  • We live in such a beautiful place and have great friends and people in our lives who love and support us.
God is so gracious with us and has given us so much. Sometimes it's so easy to overlook those things and get caught up in the business and chaos of life and forget those simple things we take for granted. What things do you take for granted everyday because you're distracted by life's everyday tasks and day to day routines? What's on your list of thankfulness?


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