One of Those Weeks

Okay so this week seems to be 'one of those weeks'. It started out alright, nothing special except that I got some AMAZING deals grocery shopping. Paid about a whole $90 for $180 worth of groceries, and this included 2 uncooked chickens, 2 large whole pork tenderloins, 2 packets of frozen burritos, 4 boxes of cereal and oodles of other things. I was pretty proud of my savings. Hey those chickens will feed for at least 2 meals and make great chicken broth for soup.

Then the week proceeded as 'normal' with me attempting to finish going through our laundry which I refolded 3 TIMES due to a little rascal who decided it fun to destroy all my piles of folded laundry. We had a lot of laundry. We just had a mouse incident in our house (taken care of now, and finally - well it was a week long process but it's DONE!) and so had to proceed to wash everything touched or within it's reach in Kylun's room especially. It had decided to go through all his clothes and grr how frustrating it was.

Then if my week couldn't get any more calm and normal Pete dislocated his shoulder yesterday, for the second time, and so thus now have him sitting at home for the next couple of weeks. I guess a forced vacation for him, more work for me, but it's kind of nice as well to have him around. I can get to all the things I need to get done for Christmas for Lizzie Bits, and some long awaited projects and gifts that have been sitting there with a ticking clock nearing their due date. So it's been a good opportunity to get through these things.

I am so excited actually to be able to get a bunch of those things done, because I have been wanting to finish and get these things done for a while now. On that list is the second patchwork TV blanket I have been making with sample fabric swatches given to me, stitching the ends of my Ottoman so I can finally staple it and finish the edging, making a few different little girl shoes as gifts, and then another list attached of items I need to pick up to finish other projects; tile table piece 'runner' paint some decorative birds and picture frames, hang the picture frames (one which I want to convert into a clock), and finish putting up the shelves and pictures in Kylun's room (awaiting to finally remember to pick up the small nails I need. hasn't been a bad week just one of 'those' where everything seems to be happening, and sometimes all at once.

Off to make some shoes. Until next time.


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