Okay wow, super long time since I posted (actually exactly a week and 2 days). I have had my amazing sister staying with us for the past week, and well I have been kept busy with that. I have not had a lot of time to work on projects or blog, or share all my adventures this week.

We have had a busy week of going to the lake, the beach, play dates with friends, lazing around the house, relaxing, catching up on movies, and enjoying Kamloops surroundings. My sister actually didn't arrive until Wednesday last week so the days before I spent trying to get our place in shape and maintained so as to not have complete chaos. It didn't work exactly how planned.

She arrived and I had just come back from grocery shopping, 1/2 my dishes were still sitting on the counter, and toys and mayhem felt like it was everywhere. Ah, welcome to my home! I attempted to maintain  a good stature as I cleaned and put things away and tried to tidy and make room for us to actually hang out in comfort. I had Kylun's clean laundry on the sofa (which I don't usually ever fold or put there but this time I did for some reason) which she helped fold for me, and random toys and Kylun things surrounding various areas of the house. Thanks sister!

Well all in all it took me about 1/2 a week with her here before I managed to finally get the house clean and tidy. It may or may not have helped that I invited a bunch of young moms and friends over with their kids for a brunch, swimming playdate and well first impressions are so important. My house finally feels like a home.

The time right now, 8:23am, and I am falling asleep. I woke up with Pete today to send him off to work. I haven't done that in a bit and although I absolutely despise morning wake ups I do like knowing that I've sent him off for his day awake, not through a grumbling 'bye' while I'm still half asleep. I'm not a committed wife in this area all the time, but usually I have to get up about 10 minutes after he's gone anyway to get Kylun so really an extra 10 minutes doens't change that much.

So while I sit here typing at my table my son on the other hand is sitting in his high chair giggling, and finishing his breakfast of toast and cherrios. I believe it's time to tucker him out so I can get my morning nap in (the one I usually pass up and then regret EVERYDAY. Yah that one).

Well, I anticipate getting more blogging done, and sharing of the past week with maybe some pictures, and I have a few things up my sleeve I'm excited to share if they happen. I will share once I know.

For now thanks for reading.


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