Knitting Away...

So this week I have been trying very hard to either finish unfinished projects or be creative during a fairly big chunk of my day. I have decided that as a loose 'schedule' I will focus on card making Mon & Tues, sewing Wed & Thur and Fri work on other crafts of sorts - could be anything from crafting, sewing, card making, upholstery, knitting etc... Well I've already changed it up this week (I know eh, it's only the first week of my schedule). So yesterday I knit a whole bunch.

I had gone to Michael's on Tuesday in hopes of finding a good paper cutter since I need one and don't have one, and well it can make it a little difficult to make nice straight cards and paper crafts without a paper cutter. Surprise, surprise I could not find a decent paper cutter. They all have a million fancy things which actually limit you in making anything since you spend your time going from one machine to another to get a job done. I was not impressed. The more basic ones they had too were so small it could only be used if you were cutting strips of paper. I have to say I was a little unimpressed to say the least.

Well this is not about a paper cutter. Sorry a little off track. However I always stroll through the yarn aisles in hopes to be inspired, and see magnificent colors and amazing yarns. Sometimes I'm impressed other times it's like walking through a blank hallway. Nothing to see (but those days don't often come around and usually mean that there is little to no stock left, and well if there is it's all horrible feeling yarn or absolutely horrendous colors). This was not one of those bad days. I went looking to see if they had any new colors of the Lion Brand organic cotton yard (my absolute favorite), but could not find ANY. Instead I came across Charisma and found a ball of soft grey and another ball of multi-color. I snatched them both up thinking I'll make a scarf, or maybe I'll even try making a coffee sleeve like I wanted to do. Perfect craft for those days when I don't want to be inside and would rather be outside in the sun (if it ever shows up this summer, and makes my time worth it - pasty legs you might not get much darker. Just a warning.)

Last year I made myself a Neckhug out of a green colored yarn with specals of other colors. So figured this would be a good way to push myself into making myself a different scarf this year.

Well I haven't used my grey yarn yet, but I used the whole roll of muliticolored to knit myself a circle scarf. I'm not a master knitter so I'm pretty limited in shapes, and I'm not as adventurous as I'd like to be with it. This is the circle scarf folded up.

I also made a coffee sleeve with some left over yarn from last years neckhug. It ended up being a little small but at least I know how big to make it next time.

I also finished a sage green baby scarf I had started a while back and hadn't got it done yet.

Here are some pictures of the circle scarf being worn. I have it just looped on my neck and the first 2 doubled up.

I am contemplating adding buttons to it just for the sake of a little extra detail, but can't decide. What do you think? Should I add some buttons? Would love to have your input.

Thanks for reading.


  1. LIz I love the multi coloured scarf!!! GOOD Job.. I have been trying to keep a schedule as well with creativity but bring and using Caleb and his creativeness. CAn not wait to see all of this craftiness

  2. Thanks friend. I'm happy with it. I may go a little scarf crazy now that I finished this one. I am wanting to make a bunch of different ones and have lots this upcoming winter. lol We'll see how that goes. ;)


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