Busy and Great Week!

So this week has been great so far.

I have managed to pack a lot more, filter through some of my clothes (which I am sad to say has downsized me significantly from where I started. I think all my clothes will be fitting into about 2 boxes, although time will tell. Time to go shopping again SOON. So many things that I'm pretty sure won't fit me again, or is time to pass on to the next cherished owner). I've also seen friends everyday, which has been wonderful.

Sunday didn't start off too great as Kylun woke up with a bit of a temperature. So as he hasn't had a temperature ever (even when he was quite sick this past winter) we took him to be seen at Children's Hospital just in case. I'd rather be safe than sorry and he had been not sleeping well for about 2 nights at that point (which turned into every night since Friday) and been a little more somber than usual. Well turns out he just has a little virus that has hit him harder than usual. So we've upped the fluids, given Tylenol and Advil, and tried to get him to rest, run steam in the  bathroom with Epsom salts, and warm baths, and gone outside as we could this week for fresh air (especially on the warmer days in hopes of loosening up any congestion the poor little guy may have). Hopefully it clears quickly.

Monday we had a year end BBQ with our Bible study. Tuesday I got together for a coffee date with a long time friend (after hours; so there was no kids running around - for both of us - which was a blessing to have that time to catch up). Wednesday I met with another long time friend that just returned from Africa and got to see her little boy and husband (it was also a great blessing to connect, and hear a little of their time away, and see her as they've got another one on the way), and then in the evening I got together with another friend and we had dinner, chatted and then went for a little walk. Kylun slept last night mostly through again only waking at 4 for a little and then getting back to sleep.

Tonight we have our last youth night before our year end pool party, which is exciting and sad as this will be our last year for a while being youth leaders at Willingdon Church. It's been a long run at it. 8 years for me and 9 for Pete. We are however ready for a 'sabbatical' of sorts to refresh and so our move is an opportunity for that and a new start.

This weekend will be busy too. Moving boxes, sorting, getting together for a hockey game hang out with friends, and trying to spend some quality time before Pete leaves before me (although all of next week will be that as well).

This week I have just felt blessed to be able to have connected with friends and get some things done (although if you came to my house it looks like a disaster with boxes everywhere, random things on the floor or well everywhere, dishes haven't made it into our dishwasher, and chaos in every room. - the joys of packing).

Well I hope your weeks are going well, and enjoying some of the sun these days. Again thanks for reading.


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